Wednesday, August 23, 2006
She's so tired
so worn down
and life's a busy blur
a cacophony of sound
her mind is weary
and she just wants to stop
there's no joy or satisfaction
as she fights to stay on top
'Just breathe' A soft whisper
'Come to me' A gentle caress
and there's nowhere else to go
but forward
so she steps into His arms
and lets go
And she's flying
Her eyes reflect
the bright blue of the sky
she feels clutched in her hands
slightly crushed under her legs
the clean, green grass
a breeze dances in her hair
lifts her spirit
she can feel Him there
and senses it
It settles
comfortingly solid
in her soul
and she takes in a deep breath
of peace
and sweet, sweet relief
blessed release
And instead of traffic jams
full of impatient honks
there's trickling, twinkling streams
and morning birdsongs
There are smiles instead of grimaces
laughter instead of frowns
and most of all
And she goes back to living
not the life she led before
but one of mercy and giving
a service to the Lord
And everyday
4:10 am
alone* in the rain;