Monday, September 19, 2005's been a long week...seriously. first i had an exam on wed for vertebrate biology, then on thurs morning a fieldtrip for the same course that meant i had to wake up at five cos it was a listening to the bir'd dawn chorus type thing. then friday i had another exam for botany and on saturday a fieldtrip for that course to noosa national park where i walked a lot(10 km?) and got lots of scratches on my poor legs and nearly got burnt. rushed home that same day to get ready for a ball held by my church(i had like half an hour to do everything) and my friends forgot to bring the hair curler so i had to come up with something different for my hair. the next day i had a barbeque lunch sort of celebrating the moon festival(just an excuse to get together really) and then church and then i stayed over at a friends place. stressful but eventually fun my week was:P it was quite distracting having the ball in the weekend cos the whole time i was supposed to be studying i kept getting ideas for making a mask and hairpiece for the ball cos it was a masquerade. i hate having to wait when i want to do something creative cos i always want to do it then to see how it turns out and i'm worried i'll forget before i make it. but they turned out well and i hope i didnt do too badly on my exams...will have pics up soon hopefully
9:22 pm
alone* in the rain;